This remedy is indicated for infectious and febrile diseases, conditions affecting the kidneys such as autointoxication, renal congestion, nephritis, and albuminuria.
Unda 2 can be used for all infections and inflammations and to improve the overall functioning of the kidneys (which play a major role in elimination and metabolism).
Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis).......4 X
Berberis vulgaris (Barberry).......4 X
Genista tinctoria (Dyer's Weed).......4 X
Juniperus communis (Juniper).......4 X
Petroselinum sativum (Parsley).......4 X
Rhamnus frangula (Alder Buckthorn).......4 X
Thlaspi bursa-pastoris (Shepherd's Purse).......4 X
Argentum metallicum (Silver).......12 X
* Contains 25% alcohol
Recommended Dosage
Adults: 5 drops three times daily.
Acute conditions: 5 drops six times daily.
Children under 12: 3 to 5 drops three times daily.