Losing muscle mass? Experiencing reduced sex drive? Feeling like you have less energy than you used to? When your performance is impacted in these ways, you may be suffering from low testosterone. A testosterone deficiency can even impact your mood, behaviour and decision-making. It’s safe to say testosterone is an undeniably important hormone. Testosterone is required for bone development, muscle mass and strength, fat distribution and the production of red blood cells and sperm. If you feel like you’re falling short in these areas, you could likely benefit from a little extra support. CanPrev’s Rocket T is designed to promote healthy testosterone levels to help enhance athletic performance, support muscle growth and sex drive. Featuring Testofen®, a patented form of fenugreek clinically proven to support testosterone production, KSM-66® ashwagandha and vitamins for increased resistance to stress and added minerals important for anabolic hormone production.
GMO, gluten, soy and dairy free.
Available in 90 vegetable capsules/bottle
As we age, there is a natural decrease in the production of sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Unfortunately, these hormonal changes can come with a number of unpleasant symptoms. For example, low testosterone production, also known as andropause, often presents with symptoms of low muscle mass, reduced strength, decreased libido, impaired cognition and an overall reduced quality of life. This is where Rocket T comes into play. Rocket T has been specifically formulated to support healthy testosterone levels and its associated symptoms, including decreased sexual health, muscle mass and cognitive function.
Rocket T includes KSM-66® ashwagandha, a proprietary full-spectrum extract of withania root with extensive clinical research to support its use for stressrelated health concerns. Through a patented alcohol-free, solvent-free extraction process that took over a decade to perfect, KSM-66® is able to retain high concentrations of both hydrophilic components and lipophilic components of the raw root. KSM-66® is unique from other ashwagandha root extracts as it has specifically been studied and shown to improve sperm parameters, muscle strength, testosterone levels in males and sexual function in females. KSM-66® also has over 20 human clinical trials to support its efficacy in areas of memory and cognition, stress reduction, improved thyroid function and weight management.
Trigonella foenum-graecum, more commonly known as fenugreek, has traditionally been used to increase milk production in breastfeeding women and as an effective tool for regulating blood sugar levels. More recent evidence has found that a particular extract of fenugreek known as Testofen®, which is standardized to a proprietary blend of saponin glycosides, can promote healthy testosterone levels in men. A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in resistancetraining males aged 18-35 showed a significant increase in both total and free testosterone, by 11% and 99% respectively, after 8 weeks of supplementation. Another double-blind placebo-controlled human study used Testofen® in combination with magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6 for 6 weeks, finding significant improvements in self-rated areas of sexual arousal, orgasm, libido, quality of sexual performance, energy and overall well-being. A third trial of 120 males aged 43-70 confirmed that solo-therapy with Testofen® can effectively reduce the normal symptoms of andropause and improve sexual health by significantly increasing sexual arousal, desire and activity, as well as free and total testosterone levels.
Finally, specific nutrients have been shown to support endogenous testosterone production. Zinc’s reputation as an immune boosting mineral is well-deserved, however, it is very much indicated for healthy hormonal support. In particular, a zincdeficiency in males can negatively affect sperm parameters and it is one of the few nutrients that has been shown to contribute to low testosterone. Moreover, zinc supplementation has been demonstrated to increase free testosterone levels in men with suboptimal baseline levels and it can improve mood and cognition by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor and blocking NMDA receptors in the brain.
Vitamin D is the other key nutrient to play a role in regulating testosterone. While more research is needed to determine the exact relationship, serum vitamin D concentrations have been found to be a significant, positive predictor of total testosterone levels in a number of observational trials. This correlation has also been observed in women. In addition, one interventional trial found that vitamin D supplementation helped to increase testosterone levels in men with vitamin D deficiency at baseline. All in all, Rocket T was formulated to provide evidence-based dosages of KSM66® ashwagandha and Testofen® fenugreek, along with supportive vitamins and minerals, to optimally support healthy testosterone levels, strength, libido and cognition in males.
Tags: Testosterone, Libido, Performance, E.D.